Contact us and book a rail safety visit
If you would like to organise a rail safety visit and/or presentation, there are different options depending on your location in the country. Note that TrackSAFE NZ recommends rail safety presentations are most effective if they complement other classroom-based learning.
Auckland Transport (AT) runs the Travelwise programme; a behaviour change programme targeted to make school travel safer, healthier and more sustainable. AT uses a whole school approach, working with primary, intermediate and secondary schools to encourage and increase the use of active travel modes and public transport, improve the safety of journeys to and from school and reduce congestion around schools.
As part of the Travelwise programme, AT is available to deliver a rail safety presentation. This presentation focuses on crossing railway tracks safely in the context of the Auckland electrified network. Visits are often in close collaboration with Transdev Auckland (operator of Auckland passenger trains and/or KiwiRail (national freight and long-distance trains operator).
Please contact for further information.
Transdev Wellington (operator of Metlink Wellington passenger trains) and Greater Wellington Regional Council have provision for a limited number of primary schools to travel by train and visit the Wellington Railway Station. These visits are typically run during Rail Safety Week (the second week of August each year). Students will receive a rail safety presentation and experience first-hand the simulator technology used to train locomotive engineers (train drivers).
Please contact for more information.
Students experience the equipment that locomotive engineers use to learn to drive passenger trains
New Zealand-wide
KiwiRail has a team of staff ambassadors throughout the country who are willing and available to visit schools and speak to students about safety around tracks and trains. These visits are typically run during Rail Safety Week (the second week of August each year) but presentations at other times during the year are also an option. KiwiRail staff will talk about how to stay safe around the rail network (focusing on positive behaviours), and give an insight into their jobs working in rail.
KiwiRail prefers to work with individual classrooms, rather than assembly-style presentations. However, this is flexible and KiwiRail is willing to work to suit your school’s needs.
Please contact Nigel Wilson at for more information.
KiwiRail staff ambassadors are willing to speak to students and answer questions